Hervey Bay Sunrise is a vibrant, friendly club made up of community leaders and professionals who meet each week and turn conversations into actions that improve our community here in Hervey Bay, around Australia and the world.


Our focus on ethical conduct and service-above-self provides impetus to achieve amazing things, including the 99% eradication of the debilitating and deadly polio virus around the globe, something the world though impossible just a few years ago.


We value our members professions for their betterment of society, and are active members of the Hervey Bay community in many ways.


It's not unusual for our Rotarians to be members of many boards, committees and other groups around the city as they develop networks, improve their personal and professional lives, and their involvement in Rotary brings those networks and their professional skills to the fore.


If you decide to join other leaders to do good in the world, remember Rotary, and give us a call.

The 2023/24 Board


President Kirsty Kee

   Secretary Val Hooper

   Treasurer Chris Horner


For more information, please contact the Secretary
